Acadia Hall History

The year was 1924. Sackville
had no place to hold suppers, picnics, or
community events except the Anglican Church
rectory lawn or the Temperance Hall on the Old
Sackville Road in Middle Sackville, built in the
late 1800’s. This hall was too small and not in
the best of shape. A dedicated group of
Sackville residents met at the Temperance hall
and decided to do something about it. They
formed the Acadia Recreation Club and with help
from the community and all volunteers
constructed the Acadia Hall. Bathroom
facilities were of course out in the field in
back, light was provided by oil lamps and the
hall was heated by a wood stove. The goal was
simple. Provide a place where community groups
and the hall association itself could use for
fundraising, socials, dances, bingos, card
parties and other community events.
And succeed they did. From 1924 to the present
day the Acadia Hall has provided a place for a
large variety of activities from school concerts
to voting places.
number of Sackville Churches started in the
hall. Just about any activities
you can think of took place
at the hall. This feat
was not easy. A very large number of community
members volunteered their time and resources to
keep the hall in good shape and operating. There
were a number of years that money was scarce and
the only way the hall survived is the dedication of
the Members of the Acadia Recreation Club. The
original purpose of the club has been carried on
by the members of the club throughout the years
and is still the theme of today. |